Let’s be real here for a second! The monsoon doesn’t seem to get over, it yet. The monsoon season is fun and beautiful but also brings many skin problems. They must deal with yellowed skin, acne, and many foot problems. Your feet are often wet, dirty, sweaty, smelly, and sometimes swollen. Thanks to heavy rain. To avoid this and keep your feet healthy and beautiful, follow our foot skin care tips for this rainy season.
Our feet are one of the most ignored parts of our body, mainly since most of our attention is focused on our face and neck. With the inputs given by Amritha Gaddam, Founder and CEO, The Tribe Concepts, we have put these monsoon foot care tips, for you to for the better.
Cleanse Your Feet
Foot hygiene is essential during monsoons. To remove odor and dirt that has built up on your feet, clean your feet regularly, often pampering them with a cleansing bath, and use a weekly foot scrub.

Wear The Right Footwear
Instead of sneakers and heels, choose boots, rubber sandals, flip-flops, or other shoes suitable for the monsoon and go out on a rainy day. They are designed to protect your feet from water and stay dry. In addition, it is a win-win because it does not slip even on slippery roads.
Trim Your Toenails
Nails become brittle and weak and can easily break if left wet for too long. Also, if the nails are long, dirt and grime can accumulate, and bacteria can grow. Cut your toenails regularly during monsoons and keep them short and clean.

Smooth corns and calluses gently
Corns or Calluses are thick patches of skin that can grow on the feet. The best way to treat corns or calluses is to check with your foot doctor. As instructed by your doctor, you can use a pumice stone to smooth corns and calluses after bathing or showering. Rubbing gently in one direction can help avoid tearing the skin and start healing. On the other hand, cutting them or using razor blades, corn plasters, and liquid removers can damage your skin and cause an infection.
Wear shoes and socks at all times
You are walking barefoot when indoors or outside can easily cause one to step on something and hurt their feet. To prevent blisters and sores, wear shoes, socks, stockings, or nylons with your shoes. Make it a habit to check inside your shoes before you put them on, and choose clean, lightly padded socks and shoes that not only fit well but also protect your feet.
Check your feet every day
Some foot problems do not come with a symptom; hence, look closely at your feet for cuts, sores, red spots, swelling, and infected toenails. Using a mirror for a clearer view of your feet can be helpful.
Keep Your Foot Dry
To avoid infections, your feet should not be Damp or over-moisturized, especially during the rainy season. Moisturizing is good for the skin, but overdoing anything can be harmful. During the monsoons, the environment’s moisture and humidity reflect on the skin. Hence, moisturizing day and night cause skin infections or abnormalities on your feet.
Fight Foot Odor
If you have smelly feet after long hours of wearing shoes, take a hot tub of water and squeeze some lemon to soak your feet in. Adding this to your weekly skincare regime can give a long-lasting result. Lemon will eliminate foul odor and also prevent you from excessive sweating.
Get a Pedicure
Your feet need extra tender love and care during the monsoon. A DIY can do the trick if going to a salon is not your style—Soke your legs in hot water, bath salts, and, liquid antiseptics. Start exfoliating your feet gently using a foot scrubber and gently rub lotion or coconut oil all over your feet. Lastly, relax!
Close All Wounds
Any minor cut or bruise should not be neglected. Especially during the rainy season, you can’t get away without a bandage or medical tape. This prevents dirty rainwater from seeping into an open wound and causing infection. A doctor’s visit is advisable in case the damage gets worse.
Invest in the right products
Massaging feet with warm coconut oil gives extra warmth and helps heal cold feet. You can use the ultimate Tribe Concepts Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, full of antibacterial and antifungal properties.